Friday, May 30, 2014

Be Right Back: How The Miracle Wave Can Help Alleviate Back Pain

Back pain. It can be a very debilitating condition caused by a recent car accident, damaging one of the discs in your spine, straining yourself during a competitive sport or even just bending over to pick up something. 

You may feel you can’t do the things you usually do, but seeking the appropriate course of treatment in order to stay active may help you recover much quicker.

Although your chiropractor or other healthcare professional should be the one to determine the best way to heal your injury, here are five common ways back pain can be treated:

Non-Drug Treatments
This could involve physical therapy in some capacity (with a physical therapist or even an expert trained in sports rehab). With non-drug treatments your provider may strongly encourage you to remain active, by simply doing what you typically do in your daily routine. As an injured patient suffering with an aching back, this could be better for you rather than lying in bed for long periods of time... but do be sure to get enough rest without having to strain yourself.

Still, Non-Drug Treatments
If you're not in too much pain, you may want to try having your spine manipulated by your chiropractor or an experienced therapist to reduce the strain on your back. If a spinal adjustment seems like it would be too difficult to endure, acupuncture and some physical therapist-guided exercise programs for lower back pain can also be an option.

Drug Treatments
This type of treatment today typically includes the use of prescription & non-prescription painkillers, muscle relaxants and sometimes steroidal injections. Your physician can recommend a reputable Pain Specialist to see in this case for any new medications that may help, along with suggestions for other procedures and medications to help rid you of your backache.     

While this is generally a last resort for most patients, surgery can definitely be a way to repair injuries to the spine (depending on the severity of your condition). Surgeons can use microscopes, lasers and other innovative surgical instruments to do an excellent job. This procedure, however, can be very expensive in certain circumstances, and usually require lots of down time afterward for recovery, followed by physical therapy.

Non-Invasive Therapy
Non-invasive techniques such as the use of The Miracle Wave ™ can be a great solution to help relieve the pain from musculoskeletal disorders such as chronic back pain and even osteoporosis. 
This type of therapy involves the use of a device somewhat resembling a chiropractor's activator, which utilizes acoustic (sound) waves. Much like ESWT (or Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy ), these acoustic waves are intended to expedite healing in the body by: stimulating the body's neural pathways, promoting the process of neovascularization, reducing pain and/or sensitivity and most importantly... speeding up recovery. 

Patients who choose non-invasive solutions such as The Miracle Wave  ™  report no scarring, no postoperative complications, zero down time for recovery and the ability to return to their daily activities with significantly less pain after being treated. Additionally, healthcare providers who've treated patients with this method report that their patients' prognoses with a very low likelihood of recurrence.

While there are many ways to treat spinal injuries, the disadvantage of remedies like pain medications is that their application only eliminates the consequences of the condition (soft tissue swelling, inflammatory reaction, pain, etc.), leaving the actual injury unchanged with a possibility to worsen over time. Non-invasive therapies, however, could provide a much more affordable, ideal answer to healing your back pain.

VISIT OUR WEB SITE or ask your doctor about whether The Miracle Wave ™ could be the ideal solution for your slipped disc pain TODAY!
-- The Miracle Wave ™ Wellness Experts


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