You've heard our wellness experts at The Miracle Wave ™ rave about our new, sound approach to help heal pain, but here's even more proof that it's a safe and an effective method of treatment for patients with musculoskeletal disorders and/or joint pain.
Dr. Joe Johnson, D.C. from Johnson Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine gave us his take on
The Miracle Wave ™ , and how he utilizes our technology at his practice in Paxton, Florida:
How many patients are you currently seeing at your practice?
With The Miracle Wave technology, I utilize it on about 10 patient visits a day, four and a half days a week.
What are the most common injuries your patients have who appear to benefit from The Miracle Wave ™ treatment?
I see a myriad of musculoskeletal conditions, including:
- tendinitis, strains, sprains, bursitis, trigger points, myofascial syndrome, arthralgia; upper and lower extremities, and trunk
- rotator cuff injuries--even cuff tears
- elbow injuries
- carpal tunnel syndrome
- trochanteric bursitis and TFL syndromes
- plantar fasciitis, etc.
How often are your patients required to come in for treatment?
If a person is in a lot of pain I may want to see the patients every day or every other day for the first 3-4 days, depending on how quickly we need to improve mobility or function. My patients more commonly come in 2-3 times per week, however. It greatly enhances the patient’s ability to return to functional activities quicker, and that is important!
What are some of the main reasons why you prefer The Miracle Wave ™ as an effective approach for your patients? I've seen a lot of helpful information regarding this type of therapy in Europe, and how it's helped with the recovery of many types of conditions. I'm personally in favor of this solution for my patients because it:
- decreases pain
- has an analgesic effect
- promotes elastic tissue repair
- improves circulation and helps to facilitate tissue repair
What is one of the most common things you tell your patients prior to treating them with The Miracle Wave ™ technology? That in most cases, my patients can expect to see a dramatic difference in their mobility, as well as a significant decrease in the pain they're experiencing.
If you're a healthcare professional and believe your patients could benefit from The Miracle Wave ™ as a sound approach to help heal their pain, click here to learn about bringing this technology to your practice TODAY.
Here's to feeling pain-LESS!-- The Miracle Wave ™ Wellness Experts